Hello. Hola.

My name is Cassondra and this is my story…

I was born and raised in Salinas, CA by a village of strong Mexican women. In college, I studied Women’s Studies with the intention to serve those in need and I did just that. I was a Victim Advocate for survivors of domestic violence for a short time at a safe house. During this time I found myself mostly interested in organizing the art projects for the children living in the home, as well as facilitating group therapy with the women. Eventually, I moved on and became an Event Planner for the US Army, with a specific focus in organizing volunteer events in the community. As many young adults do, I moved along as new opportunities arose. Yet, these three pillars always remained at the forefront of my life:




And so here we are, post-COVID with a new sense of self. We have had two years to look within and reflect on what truly brings us joy. During months and months of lock down, we turned to hobbies to pass the time and we had to dig deep to stay strong. 2020 changed us, most of us for the better. Some of us started businesses, some of us built closer bonds with others, and I’d like to say all of us walked away with a new perspective on life. I rekindled my flame of creativity and decided to turn it in to something more, something bigger than me. I want to spread love and build community through my art.

“Macramé del Bay is more than a business.

It is a community of artists, free spirits, misfits, and everyone in between.

It is art. It is love.

You belong here.”